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Sesekinika Lake our paradise on earth

by: Annie and Pierre Delnoij

Sesekinika Lake, our "paradise on earth".

In 1976 we visited Johanna and Harry Janssen at the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary. We were surprised when we arrived at their place. During our stay we scouted the lake and its surrounding. When we travelled home, we knew it for ever: we visited a paradise. Since that year we often came back during summer and wintertime. So we experienced water fun and winter fun. Reason for us to come back with our children to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary. We also came with grandchildren and last but not least we came with our whole family, with children, their partners and grandchildren (22 persons) for Johanna and Harry's 50th anniversary in 2001. We plan to come again next year - 2005 - it will be our 10th visit to the wonderful Lake Sesekinika.

Annie (Harry's sister) and Pierre Delnoij

Lisse, The Netherlands 


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